Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wk6- Lecture Reveiw- ARUP ENG.

The work of ARUP Engineering really pronounces structual design. Arup brings together broad-minded concepts and encourages them to look beyond the constraints of their own specialisms. I found the technical approch to their architecture and engineering to be extreamly inspiring and can relate the rendering techniques to the ones put forward through our course.

Research Question

My Research Question is aimed towards establishing the prefered method of modelling between Google Sketckup as opposed to 3D Studio Max. The research will demonstrade developing a simplistic model and interacting to define which program has a much more practical and productive interface.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Week4- Multiplayer Mode

Real Time Image Captures


Week2- level test in Crysis Wars

SolidWorks Townhall Model

Creating a Realistic Environment

Creating a realistic environment for Town Hall Station and the Instalation needs to relate to one and other. Selected for the environment is a quiet barron landscape which will allow imediate attention to be drawn from Town Hall Station and the Installation. The time is set just prior to sunrise as this experiment will be focused on "The Morning After".